Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A fish by any other name would smell as bad.

Do you eat fish? Good for you! I could never get past the taste. PETA thinks you shouldn't eat fish, though. Actually, those fine folks think you shouldn't eat "sea kittens." That's right, PETA is campaigning to change the name of our icky icthys friends to sea kittens, so nobody will want to eat them! From the almost-more-morbid-than-Grimm's bedtime stories to the sea kitten dress-up game complete with litterbox, their campaign page is good for a few laughs.
Drink in the crazy here!

Friday, December 19, 2008

March will be a good month.

Why, you ask? Three reasons (so far):

1. Watchmen comes to theaters March 6! :Provided, of course, that the Fox/WB trial doesn't push back the release date.

2. Venture Bros. Season 3 DVD is released March 24!

So good!

3. St. Patty's Day! Seriously, how can anyone not enjoy that holiday?

And that is why I'm convinced March will be an excellent month. I would gladly use Grover Cleveland's presidential time machine to skip the rest of December, January and February.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The sincerest form of flattery

While perusing the interweb today, I came across an amusing case of fashion imitation.

I enjoy checking out Topshop's online store quite a bit. I drool over everything and curse the English for being so cool. Here's a photo from their Christmas '08 Look Book:

And, of course, after wiping the saliva off my chin, I see the prices and grumble for ten minutes before looking to cheaper offerings online. Which brings me to Forever 21: a super-cheap alternative to the cool-cat stores such as Topshop. And today I saw this on their site:


Pretty similar, huh? Topshop should be flattered that they're clearly the pinnacle of cool.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back... for now.

Ever have a ridiculous month? Yeah, things have been pretty hectic since the last post, what with school and all. Here's a quick recap:
  • Halloween- I found out I could easily switch between two costumes with minimal effort, thanks to the magic of layering, so I alternated between a Hank Venture-inspired Aquaman and a seaweedless (and not green) Old Gregg. I had a great time, and I hope everyone else did too!
  • My birthday- I had some major assignments due on my birthday, so I was in a bit of a bad mood until classes were over. Then I hung out with some friends, and it was good fun. Plus I got some tulips. Floral bonus!
  • Two weeks ago- My cat died. She was a Sphynx named Gypsy, and she got really sick really fast. She wasn't old at all, so it was quite a shock for everyone. I'll miss you, Gyp.
  • Thanksgiving- I picked up my sister and her husband from the airport, and drove us all to my parents' place. We played quite a few board games, which we don't normally do. And after a grueling round of Trivial Pursuit: Disney Edition from 1984, we found out we were reading from the kids' deck of questions. Show me an American kid who knows that buz kashi is played with a headless calf carcass, and I'll show you a therapist he should be seeing!
As for nerdy things I've done recently, I've:
  • watched and re-watched the latest Watchmen trailer. So excited!
  • watched and re-watched the latest Half-Blood Prince trailer. Again, so excited!
  • purchased and read the 7th volume of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. Still building that collection!
  • coveted this shirt on Threadless. Someday it will be mine.
  • planned a movie marathon to span this entire week that alternates between The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Oh yes, be jealous.
And that brings us to today! I'm back at the crunch, trying to maintain sanity over the next two weeks until Winter Break. Wish me luck!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween costume is GO!

Last night I finished up my costume for next Friday. Watch out!

In other news, I really should start pimping my blog. Since nobody reads it. And I've only provided one link to it. Haha. Oh well!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dear Designer

Dear fancy fashion designer:
Thanks for tricking those with more dollars than sense into buying your hideous designs. Thanks to you, we can all giggle at the women who care more about labels than cut, fit, and generally looking good!

$950 Marc Jacobs dress (pillowcase?), nordstrom.com

This makes me want to grab the model, shout "PILLOWFIGHT!" and start beating preteen girls with her.

$2,200 Versace dress, nordstrom.com

Looks like a bad 80s music video. And not even in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.

Keep up the good (*snicker*) work, designers!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Up and running! (more or less)

Hi, and welcome to Fever Pants! This whole blog thing is a learning process for me, so I'm sure there'll be plenty of changes and additions to the format in the upcoming weeks. So my apologies in advance for anything seriously lacking over here!

But anyways, I figured this would be a great way for me to share things that I think are awesome, and learn about things that you guys think are awesome, too!

I'd say a few tidbits of information about me are in order:
  • I'm a college student working on a BA in Spanish.

  • I'm a total geek. My favorite movie is Aliens, my favorite TV show is The Venture Bros., and my current favorite non-American production is The Mighty Boosh.

  • I love fashion, though I pretty much can't afford to be fashionable. I see something I like, peek into my wallet, and hear the echoes of dollar bills past. But I do enjoy gazing lovingly at the pages of InStyle, or TopShop's online store. And, of course, the various vintage wonders eBay has to offer (I can afford some of those).

That's it for now, stay tuned for slightly more interesting fare!